Types of Aliens and UFOs
1. Greys - Said to be the typical short gray aliens we all picture when thinking of aliens. They are said to have big black almond shaped eyes, about three feet tall, gray skin and are the most commonly reported in abductions. They have 3 or four fingers, slits for mouths and a nose with slits for nostrils. They are said to not be totally empathetic towards humans and claimed to be those that do the experiments on abductees. They sometimes come across as robotic, maybe not even a live species but more like some type of robot that programmed to do a certain job.
2. Reptilians are said to be a cross between humans and reptiles. They are upright on two legs like humans but have reptilians features such as scales, green skin and slits for their noses and mouth. Many believe they are powerful interdimensional beings that can shapeshift. They are believed that many live here on the earth mixed in with us humans.
3. Nordics are said to be very human like. So much so that they blend in on the earth with us. Some people claim to be a cross breed between an extra terrestrial and a human. They are tall, blonde, fair skinned with blue eyes. They are said to be benevolent and peaceful and want to help the human race on earth. Nordics are possibly a subrace of the Pleiadeans.
4. Pleiadeans are a a more human like extra terrestrial species that are said to come from the Pleiades star cluster. They are said to be tall skinny human like beings with pale skin and light hair but have many of the same features like five fingers and toes. But they can also have different eyes and skin tones like humans. They are believed to be benevolent beings who help humans grow spiritually and believe in a higher power. They are said to be helping other civilizations such as humans to evolved to a higher consciousness. They are empathetic beings with natural healing powers. These have been my favorite to learn about. There are very interesting videos about these beings so check out more info on them.
5. Insectoids are said to be insect or spiderlike creatures that appear and disappear. They are said to produce fear in those who witness them. Many times in "hauntings" or in abandoned buildings or areas these have been captured on video too. Just YouTube some of these creatures as they have been caught on tape and they are pretty scary. I think out of all these freak me out the most. I'll link to some other videos below that show some of these captured on camera.
6. Anunnaki are said to be the extra terrestrials that are depicted in old ancient scripts and wall carvings that older civilizations called Gods or Star People. They are said to have visited and built the pyramids and advance technology and other areas of human civilization. They are tall human like with long heads and necks. They are said to be benevolent beings too that just want to help us. Many believe some of us are cross bred with these aliens too, which some say explain the RH- factor in blood types.
Many theories exist on the species or types of extra terrestrials. I am not an expert and just bringing forth information for you to spur on your interest in this topic. It seems a slow disclosure is happening right now with the hearing that Congress just had and the slow divulgence of UFO clips that the govt and news media is now putting forth. YouTube is full of info, yes some right and some wrong but it's up to you to do your own research and see what feels right to you.
There are many whistle blower videos on YouTube from Bob Lazar's back engineering UFOs at Groom Lake and Area 51 to Dr. Dan Burisch story of working with an extra terrestrial name J-rod that spoke to him telepathically and helped them engineer a porthole so we could time travel to differnet areas in space.
Types of UFOs
Adamski Type - Half saucer shape with windows and different colored lights
Disc Shaped - Just like it sounds, it's a disc shape usually with no windows and just solid metal that has no sound.
Cigar Shaped- shaped like a cigar, sometimes with windows, sometimes not but seems to have doors that open to let out smaller orb shaped discs.
Cone Shaped - these ares haped lke a toilet paper roll. Just a long tube, also said to release smaller ufos from it's underside.
Full Triangular - These is commonly reported and can be small or huge. The famous Phoenix Lights UFO was shapped like this. It is shaped like a triangle.
Pointed Triangular - Shaped like a triangle but not solid in the center. Pointed like an arrow.
Saturn Shaped - This is a disc shaped or round ufo with a ring around it. It is said to glow but has no sound.
Mothership - A large square, at least the size of a football field. Some are just pitch black and can only be seen with night vision cameras and others are said to have some lights and windows around the sides.
Orb - These are seen often by pilots. I'm sure you haev all heard of hte tictac incident by now where miliatry pilots caught footage of these orbs. They are speedy little lights that seem to defy the laws of gravity. They fly in the air and can go in and out of water. They are smaller UFOs that seem manually controlled.
Pyramid - A 3d shaped triangular UFO. UFO researchers Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp have caught these on video.
Cube - UFOs that are shaped like a cube that just float in the sky then disappear. Often hidden in clouds.
Again, there are many more and I'm not an expert, just have been interested for years and watch every documentary I can find on this subject. I started reading when i was very young, just always had a real interest in anything mysterious and unexplained.
I do believe full disclosure is coming. I mean, abductees and people who have had sightings already have reported this stuff for decades, but many people just don't believe something until they see it themselves or their government confirms it's true, which is slowly happening now. It's sad the stigma we have allowed those who are in control to put on this subject.
Of course there can be misidentifications such as satellites, Starlink, planes, helicopters, drones and military aircraft.
And of course there is the men in black. We laugh at this concept but in reality it is very scary for those who have experienced them. After a sighting or encounter with a UFO or alien, these men dressed in black suits, dark glasses and black hats show up to find out what you know often with a threat of sharing this information to others. Some say these men don't even look real because of their lack of expression and strange white skin. This leads to some believing they may be some type of extra terrestrial themselves. Others believe they are just scary men sent out by the government, or whoever controls this information to intimidate ufo and extra terrestrial witnesses.
So, share your thoughts and feelings below and get a conversation started on this subject. Do you believe in aliens and ufos? Where do you think they come from? Other planets or galaxies? Other dimensions? Do they live on our planet like in Antarctica, underground or in the deep ocean? Are they just on a different energy frequency then we are and pop in and out. And what is the relationship to what others see in near death experiences? Tell me about yourself and how you got interested in this subject. Did you have your own experience or just scrolling through YouTube looking for interesting content?
Also if you have you own UFO sighting of Alien encounter story you'd like me to share on my YouTube channel, please email me at drawmyparanormal@gmail.com. I can narrate and illustrate it for you with either my own art or ai art. Or you can send me a recording of you telling your own story with your own artwork and photos. Thank you.
And I'll talk to you all soon!
Make sure to check out my My Paranormal Gift shop where I make merch from my art work.
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