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The Disappearing and Reappearing Wheelchair Leg

The Disappearing and Reappearing Wheelchair Leg 

My mom was really sick with pancreatic cancer. I had to get her to the hospital in Madison for a doctor appointment. The hospitals there are really big and I knew I'd have to get a wheelchair. 

So I went to a local place that rents them out to you for several months at a time. 

I got there, my sister helped me put it in the back of my car and the three of us were off to the Madison hospital.

We get there and get the wheelchair out of the car and it's missing one of the foot rests. I thought maybe I dropped it when I was pulling the wheelchair out of the back of my car so my sister and I looked under the car, inside the care, everywhere around us and the car but it was just gone.

I thought maybe it was never on there in the first place or it fell off where I was parked when I was loading it into the car. So I called the rental place and asked them to take a look to see if it was there somewhere. The lady called back about ten minutes later after searching for it and said she was sure it was on the wheelchair when I left and it hadn't fallen off anywhere she could find.

So after the appointment we wheeled my mom back to the car with only one foot rest and drove home.

The next morning we had to go back to the hospital again for a procedure. This time it was just my mom and me. I got my  mom into the car and to her appt, using the one legged wheelchair again. After her procedure was done and she was done with the recovery period we were released to go home so  we headed back to the car. I saw something shiny propped up on the wall next to my car. 

It was the wheelchair leg. 

I thought noway. This parking garage had at least four floors, and we weren't parked anywhere close to the same space we were at yesterday, not the same floor, not the same side. 

But there it was. I thought well maybe it's someone elses. I picked it up and there on the bottom of a the footrest was a sticker belonging to the facility that I rented the wheelchair from. It was ours. But how did it get there? We searched everywhere for it, under the car, inside the car and it was gone. 

I called the rental place and  let them know I found it. 

So anyways we brought it home and I put the leg on the seat of the wheelchair, and folded it up. I was tired and thought I'd deal with it later.

The next time we went to use it, the leg was gone again. Just gone. Never to be found again. My mom sold her house shortly after and we moved and it was never found. 

I had to go on eBay and buy another before returning it to the rental place.

So why would the universe have it disappear in the first place, only to return then disappear again? I will never understand what happened. 

I use a combination of my own art and ai art to illustrated these videos. If you like any of the art then check out my "My Paranormal" shop on Zazzle! Thank you!


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