Sand on the Beach Meditation
Hey everyone! Here is a soft sweet meditation that came to me while I was meditating actually. I felt like it might be helpful to others so I wanted to post about it here.
Here goes ...
Sand on a Beach Meditation
Lay down and take a couple deep breaths. I call them God breaths. Feel the air go in and feel the air slowly go out.
Now picture a beautiful beach with turquoise water on a warm sunny day. There is a light breeze blowing. You can feel it on your face, you can hear it softly blow across the sand and water.
Now look down at the sand. Look at all the little pieces it takes to make up this beach. Picture yourself as a little piece of this sand. You are a little piece of sand laying on this beach.
Take a deep breath in. Then exhale feeling the breeze lightly blow against you as the warm sun shines down on you. Now picture the warmth of the sun on your surface. Feel the warmth and the bright light of the sun.
Now take a deep breath in. Listen to the sound of a gentle waves approaching. Feel the cool water as it goes over you. Cooling the warmth from the sun. Now exhale as that waves goes back over you, retreating back into the cool ocean.
Take in another breath as you feel the sun start to warm you up again. Feel yourself as the sun dries you off.
Feel the cool breeze blow softly against your skin.
Breath in, breath out. God breaths.
Now breath in as you hear the gentle wave coming again. Feel the cool wave wash up against you. Go over you. Then breathe out as it softly retreats.
Again, feel the sun's warmth. The sun warming you up again. Feel the light and the energy of the sun. Picture that cool breeze again wash over you.
Again listen to the sound of the approaching wave. Now picture this wave to be a healing wave. This wave of cool water is going to brush over you as you breathe in. Feel the coolness all over your body, your soul, your mind.
Now breathe out picturing that cool waves taking all stress and illness or anything negative out of you. Picture it healing you while you are in the coolness of it's energy. Then retreating back into the ocean with everything that is bothering you.
Picture that waves retreating back into the big cool ocean where all that is negative can be neutralized with the force of the beautiful ocean. That problem is no longer yours. Nature will heal.
Now just picture your body, soul and mind, working as one. Whole and healed. No pain, no stress, no problems. Just one with nature. Pure love, pure energy.
Breathe in, and Breathe out. Breathe in and Breathe out.
Now when you are ready, wake up and go on to have a beautiful day.
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