My First Meditation
And the message I got ...
Thoughts are light or dark.
So it was the first time I meditated in a very long time. Years. I have been watching a lot of shows since my mom's passing to try to get some comfort on where we go when we pass.
Many of the shows I was watching talked about the important of meditation. I went into this meditation with many questions. One of the newest ventures I was on was working on my YouTube channel called My Paranormal, this one you are watching and what I should bring into the world. I know entertainment is important in these human lives but sometimes I want to go deeper and make sure what I do is meaningful.
So I went into this meditation with this questions in mind.
Now, mind you, I have dogs, a parrot, a cat and an adhd mind, I was afraid I would not even be able to fall into any kind of relaxation state. But I did. This was the message I was given.
Take it for what it means to you.
God, the Creator, the Source that we come from, whatever you want to call the light being that is, is true love and light.
The light is everything and at it's core being just pure existence. It is the highest frequency or vibration that is.
We are extensions of that energy and we are born here to this realm, we call earth or Gaia. It is a world of lower density, frequency or vibration. The further you get away from the light the denser and darker things get. he vibration slows down. That is why things seem solid. It's kinda like a projection. Like a movie on a screen. And in this frequency we experience duality.
In the light you only experience love and being and all things beautiful. In this realm we experience what us humans consider bad, evil as well as goodness, joy and beauty. It helps our souls understand what it is to go through pain and suffering because in the light we do not experience that. It helps our souls grow. It's college for the soul. We learn what our souls yearn to learn before coming here.
I also learned that everything we do creates our universe. We create. Our thoughts, words and actions are energy. So each word spoken, each thought, thought, each action acted, goes out into this energy field. Loving thoughts go into the light, build it, adding to the loving side of the frequency while dark thoughts go into the dark building up the dark.
This may be why in near death experiences some people may experience some dark things while others go into the light.
In essence, we make our own Heaven and Hell.
So be mindful, we all come from God, the source, the light. We all have pure souls when we come here. We come here to learn and experience good and bad, duality. And it is us that decide where we go after we leave here. Each day think to yourself what your Heaven looks like. Keep expanding on what you perceive to be pure energy and helping God to create more love and light.
And no soul is stuck or punished in a dark place. Our souls are ever evolving, ever creating. It is up to you to choose love and light. So choose kindness, love and light. Think happy thoughts, make the world a lighter place, and your Heaven too. Throughout the day just picture the kind acts, thoughts or words like little lights adding to the light of God.
And i want to end this saying I don'[t speak of God in a religious way, I am speaking in a spiritual way. Not talking about a God that loves only people from one religion, I am speaking of a God that encompasses everything and everyone.
In these videos I narrate and illustrate using either my own art or ai art. If you like my art please visit my "My Paranormal" shop on Zazzle.
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