The Beast of Bray Road The first sighing of the beast of bray road was back in 1936. But the majority of sightings were in the 80s and 90's. These sightings have been mostly in Elkhorn, Wisconsin.. And they happened on a rural farm road Bray Road. Thus the name. The most popular sighting was from Lori Endrizzi, who reported that she was driving down Bray Road and saw the back of an animal on the side of the road. As she got closer she could see that the beast was clutching road kill and eating it. As her headlights hit the beast it looked up at her and she said it was dark brown with red glaring eyes and pointed ears. she estimated it was about 5'7 and weighted about 150 pounds. Another woman, Doris Gipson was driving down Bray Rd and thought she hit an animal. She stopped to see what she hit and saw this creature running towards her so she ran back to her car quickly and the creature lifted the back or her car. She hit the gas and gunned it down the road. Doris claimed to s...