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Showing posts from January, 2024

Chupacabra | A Cryptid

  Chupacabra The Chupacabra is cryptid or unknown animal that is said to suck the blood of goats. Thus the name which literally means goat sucker in Spanish. In the 1980s there was a wave of sightings of this unknown creature in Puerto Rico. Years later, people in the United States also reported a similar creature. Descriptions of Chupacabras vary. Some have reported creatures walking on two legs, but others say they walk on four. Some say it hops like a kangaroo. Some report the skin being more lizard like and hairless, resembling a dog with mange, while others say they have fur. Some people report big bony pointed spines and red eyes along with big fangs. Here are some of the most reported things about Chupacabra It has glowing red eyes. It has a bony spine that sticks out. It has unusually large teeth. It sucks the blood out of goats and cattle. Most sightings are in Puerto Rico, Mexico and Southern Texas. So far, the animals that have been captured that were believed to be Chup...


  Werewolf In folklore a werewolf is a beast that is half human and half wolf. The word "werewolf" comes from the Old English words "wer" and "wulf", which mean "man" and "wolf". The story goes that either a curse was put on a human that he would turn into a wolf on a full moon night, or that if you are a child of a werewolf, you will remain human, until you accidentally or purposely kill another human, then the curse shall take hold on you too. Vikings believed that if you wore the fur of an animal it would give you the strength of them. This could of been the start of storytelling about hybrids or men with animal like strength. At the same time during the late Middle Ages , when  people's beliefs in witches were taking off, lesser known is that this is when the legend of the werewolf also began.  v is a mental condition in which one believes that he is a wolf, and thus people who had this condition were also persecuted as a witche...